All cards are A2, 4.25 x 5.5 & blank inside. Printed in the U.S. on 100% recycled FSC paper. Envelopes are kraft, 100% recycled.
Cynla card is based in Newburgh, New York.
From the Artist:
Cynla was founded to artfully and playfully celebrate the best moments in life. Drawing is my escape and has become a way for me to stress less and focus more on what matters every day. I want to create art that has meaning and that people want to share and love receiving. I strive to only put into the world designs and products I really love (that are also easy on the environment). I now live with my amazing husband and beautiful, loud little girl in the inspiring, gorgeous Hudson Valley. I draw out of my home studio office overlooking a tree-lined yard with the sun streaming in. ~ Cindy